Wednesday 4 April 2012


This shall be the final post for Abernant this year.  So I shall give you a run down of the final events of the day, beginning with the Blind Trail!
            I will start by mentioning that the weather did take an unfortunate turn for the worse and as a result we had to rush through the blind trail a little.  It was however a brilliant activity for building up teamwork and communication skills.  The children had to navigate a number of obstacles including tyres, see saws, tunnels, rope nets and key finding.....All without being able to see!!  It made for very interesting viewing!! 
            We had a very quick warm and dry before heading back out into the freezing cold for an archery lesson.  Everyone had a good attempt given the conditions, most were able to hit the board on their first attempt.  We even had a Bullseye courtesy of Lauren!!
            Before we left for home we ate another delicious meal before bidding our goodbyes to all the fantastic staff who made our stay a fantastic experience!
            Thank You!

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